Japanese Driving School Vehicle Safety Featuress

Auto Galaxy

Auto Galaxy

Auto Galaxy

Auto Galaxy

Auto Galaxy

Auto Galaxy
The Japanese driving school vehicles we supply have various features. For examples, emergency brakes, dual mirrors, and a passenger side speedometer. These features support the instructor to take control in the event of an emergency and thus teach the student safety. With these special features, you can teach your students in complete safety and they will become responsible drivers. It goes without saying that the traffic accidents will decrease.
Japanese Driver’s License
The population of Japan is currently 126 million. Of this number, 82 million hold a driving license. For Japanese people, a driving license is a must-have for employment and marriage. If we don’t hold a license, we can lose out in the competition for jobs and our life is somewhat restricted. For this reason, most Japanese people try to pass the driving test at the age of 18 before graduation from high school. On average, young people spend an equivalent of between 2,800 and 3,400 US dollars to get driving license. Even after gaining their license, drivers are required to take refresher courses of lessons under the local government every 3 years to maintain it. Even though Japan has such strict rules, there are 368,600 victims of car accident every year. 2800 of whom lose their lives. We urge all visitors to this web-site to practice thoroughly in a driving school vehicle equipped with dual emergency controls and extra mirrors before you go out onto the roads unassisted. We purchase driving school vehicles directly from schools and offer them to customers all over the world with a very reasonable price. These driving school vehicles can be modified as normal car to delete dual control features easily.
The photos below show typical driving schools in Japan.

The variety of the Japanese Driving School Vehicles.

The driving school vehicles in stock.